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Held all-Ukrainian scientific and practical Conference forests Play together.

15-16 March on the occasion of the international day of the forest under the auspices of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine (hereinafter the Ministry), the national ecological – naturalistic Center studying youth MINISTRY of Ukraine (hereinafter – NENC), training Scientific Institute of forest and garden- gardening agriculture national agricultural University and environmental sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter Nubip), the State Agency of forest resources of Ukraine (hereinafter – Deržlìsagentstvo) with the participation of the society of Forestry of Ukraine and the “Union of educators Ukraine held all-Ukrainian scientific and practical Conference “forests Play together.”

The participants of the Conference were the employees of the institutions in the forestry, scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of higher educational institutions, specialised research institutions, practitioners and the leaders of the student’s lìsnictv of extracurricular and the comprehensive educational institutions, the public.

The first day of the event took place within the walls of NENC.

At the beginning of the event with remarks were:

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of pedagogy at the Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko University, a senior fellow at the Institute of education of the APS of Ukraine, Director of NENC-Vladimir Verbitsky;

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

Doctor of agricultural sciences, academician of the International Academy of informatization, academician of lìsìvničoï Academy of Sciences, the excellent education of Ukraine, Excellent forestry of Ukraine, honored worker of science and technique of Ukraine – Peter Lakida;

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

the first Deputy Head of the Kyiv Oblast and m. Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy, head of the Regional Council of the society of Forestry of Ukraine of Ruslan Gouzenko;

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

Head of the sector of international relations, science and public relations the State forest agency – love Polyakova, etc.

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

In the program of the Conference examined the question of the development strategy of activity of the student’s lìsnictv; new European approaches to environmental education for youth; reform the forestry; causes and consequences of the drying of derevostanìv; innovative technologies of conducting lìsìvničoï of the case in terms of sustainable development, etc.

Working discussion venues: “national policy and forestry of Ukraine”, “the implementation of reforms in forestry, Forest ecosystems, as practical education”.

The next day, participants of the Conference its doors hospitably opened Nubip of Ukraine.

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

Greetings to the participants expressed the Vice-Rector on educational and pedagogical work Sergey Kvasha, which, in particular, noted the importance of the joint with the national ecological Centre naturalìstičnim measures aimed at nurturing environmentally oriented young and talented students in research, experimental, search and inventive activity. He noted that the University gives a theory of cognition, evolution of human development. Learning, cognition and education – is a complex of tasks which successfully solves the scientific and educational personnel. He assured that the NENC will always have in the face of Nubip of Ukraine an ally in solving problems of ecological education of school and of youth.

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

Educational-Scientific Institute of forestry and landscape architecture of the economy at the National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine presented in his report Deputy Director Viktor Svinčuk, which detail familiarized the participants with the history and modernity of our Institute.

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

In the Conference took part the playback head of forests and forest melìoracìj, candidate of agricultural sciences, Professor Victor Maurer. He thanked the leaders of student’s lìsnictv for the invaluable work they conduct among young people, educating the next generation of foresters. Victor Melhìorovič stressed the relevance of the theme of the Conference “forests Play together” because the present dictates strict conditions for work of the forest industry and made a presentation on the theme “forests Play together”, the current state, problems and ways of improve the reproduction of forests. ”

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.

An interesting report on the subject-“Dendroflora of Ukraine and global climate change” did Constantine Majewski-Associate Professor of Dendrology and forest breeding Nubip of Ukraine. He reported about the dendrofloru of Ukraine in the face of climate change, particularly stressed about the increased use of drought-resistant woody plants ìntroducentìv in lìsovìdnovlennì and garden-park farm, reclamation activities, namely land and irrigation create new lìsomelìorativnih plantings, as well as the creation and testing of genetically modified woody plants in forestry.

After a discussion of the performances work continued in the educational laboratories ESI forestry and landscape architecture of the economy Nubip of Ukraine holding workshops on the theme: “Botanical Gardens-cell protection and biodiversity» ( Moderator-Stanislav Locksmith) and “Consider ìntroducentìv for sustainability of forests in the face of climate change”.

Summarizing the NENC Director Vladimir Verbitsky said that National ecological naturalistic Center studying Youth Ministry is a modern leading the institution-school education, which coordinates the activities of the 543 student’s lìsnictv, and the today is one of the important forms of organization of labour training and education and cover more than 18 thousand. students of institutions of secondary and extracurricular education;  forming conscious attitude to work, nature protection, use and reproduction of forest resources of native land, choice of the future profession. Young lìsìvniki active participants of national labour stake in Forests for posterity “,” Ûnnatìvskij zelenbud “,” the future of the forest in your hands “and contests” Parks-the lungs of cities and villages, “young researchers MANS.

Were also made proposals for the creation of courses of improvement of qualification of teachers – heads school lìsnictv, joint development of educational and scientific-methodical support NENC and creating joint EI forestry and landscaping industry   laboratory research and advances in the field of Forest Laboratory.

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Conference “forests Play together” received corresponding certificates.

Photo from Ludmila Šramkovoï.