Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

The spring is played by almost 25 thous. Hectares of forest,-Vladimir Bondar

During the spring forest-cultural campaign almost 25 thousand were played. On last year's forests and created 1.1 thousand. hectares of new forests. This was reported by the deputy head of the state Agency for Forestry Resources Vladimir Bondar.

«State Forestry enterprises belonging to the sphere of state forest management, 10% of the plan for the disembarkation of the forest for the spring. Also, thanks to the application of natural technology forestry can reach the quality natural restoration of the forest,-said Volodymyr Bondar.

Besides, the deputy head of the state forestry said that this year in the Allukrainian action "The future of the forest in your hands" took part unprecedented number of citizens of Ukraine.

In the action on the disembarkation of the forest, which was quite successful in all areas, was attended by more than 30,000 students and students, more than 5,000 representatives of public organizations and almost 15,000 Ukrainians working in different spheres. In total, more than 50 thousand people. This is a peculiar record. Families, employees of different enterprises and just wanting to land the forest together with the Litsivnikov,-said Volodymyr Bondar.

Recall last year the lisgomin, subordinated to the State Forest agency, reproduced 53.2 thous. hectares of forests.


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