Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "Dymersky forestry".

The region has stepped dry with high temperature weather conditions. As a result, the forest ranges are most dangerous.  Because of the large heat and drought is a significant likelihood for the fire, the forest ceases to function as an environmental system, destroys all the lives and the effects of this terrible disaster manifest a long time.

As statistics show, almost 100% of forest fires arises from the fault of people.

Se «Dymerskoye Forestry» Encourages citizens to be extremely cautious near forest arrays, because the main reason for the emergence of fires in the forest is the failure of fire safety rules.

A fire, a match or cigarette can cause irreparable damage to the forest.

Therefore, in order not to create reasons for fire in the forest or next to it, follow these rules:

-Going to the forest on holiday or hiking, bring a complicated shovel, a bucket or a large plastic bag;

-Never burn dry grass on the fields or lawns in the forest. If you see how others do, try to stop them and explain what dangerous herbal paly;

-Do not dilute the fire in the forest in dry and hot weather, you will be from such picnics, because they are very high probability can lead to the most tragic consequences, including for you and for your relatives;

-In any case, never dilute the fire in the dry forest or on peat. First of all, make sure that Kowalche is located on a mineralized ground (sand or clay). Before a fire the campfire will take the forest of a litter from the kostrtract and around it within one meter;

-Well pour the fire before departure. After that, rub the ash and make sure that the smoldering coal was not preserved under it, if it were preserved – then again. Don't go from a drenched campfire until it goes smoke or steam. about what to fill the fire, take care in advance;

-Never quit carefully not repaid matches or cigarettes, do not use a different pyrotechnic products in the forest: Firecrackers, Bengal lights, candles, etc., even in a snow-covered forest;

-Do not travel directly to the forest on cars and especially on motorcycles. Sparks from a muffler can cause a fire, especially in dry woods with moss;

-Do not leave in the forest trash, because the clogging of the forest-is not only a sign of the asexual and complete absence of conscience, and in addition, such rubbish as empty glass bottles create the effect of the lens and often cause a sunbathing;

-try to explain to your friends and acquaintances that their carelessness can cause fires.

If you happen to be in the cell of fire:

-Do not panic or accept hasty decisions;

-Do not flee from the flame in the opposite direction – closing the head and face of clothes, go against the wind;

-Be careful in places of burning of high trees, they can be caused;

-especially be careful in places of peat fires, because the combustion of peat on the surface is not visible. Take into account that there may be a deep break, so move by checking the stick depth of the layer that is burnt;

-and most importantly: when you fire immediately call 101 to the rescue service.

Do not forget that we should carefully treat the forest, because it is not only a place to rest, but also our future.

Protect the nature, because the future of the forest in our hands!


Director of subsidiary «Dymerske Forestry» v. Glushchenko