Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

The fire forest near the village of Radensk, Kherson region localized

On May 30 at 17:00 the fire, which arose on the territory of the Olesko forest hunting economy, was able to localize.

As of 7:00 hours. May 31 signs of combustion are not observed.

On May 31 the morning of the burnt territory of the Oleska forest hunting economy was carried out. The results of the flyby confirmed that the situation with the fire was stabilized.

At 8:50 in connection with the localization of fire force and fire-rescue units of the neighboring regions, except Kirovograd, already went to the places of permanent dislocation.

Subdivisions of regional stns and state forest protection remain in place.

Since the beginning of aviation works 116 discharges of water (495.5 tons of water) were carried out, namely: airplanes of an-32 n stns 47 discharges (376 tons of water) and helicopter mi-8 of Defense 69 discharges (119.5 tons of water). 8 Discharges (64 tons) have been carried out in the air.

To eliminate the fire attracted 422 people. and 98 Oblast Directorate. Engineering, including: from the Stns 229 people and 54 Oblast Directorate. equipment, including 4 од. Aviation equipment (from Stns 2 airplanes an-32 p and 1 helicopter "Evrokopter", from the defense-Helicopter Mi-8), from forestry 102 people. and 38 Oblast Directorate. Equipment, of which 5 tractors, from Defense Ministry 84 people. and 4 Rd. Equipment, from Mia 7 people. and 2 од. Technique.

Weather forecast for Olesshkov District, Kherson region on May, 31: cloudy, without precipitation. Wind North, 7-12 m/s. Air temperature afternoon 25-30 degrees heat.

Recall that the fire arose on 28 May, about 13:30 near the village of Radensk, Olesko district.

According to the press service of the

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