Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Ivankivsky forestry". "Quiet Hunt" 🍄🍄🍄

In the midst of the mushroom season. This pore everyone can take a basket, bucket, bag, backpack and go to the forest to collect mushrooms. However, some of them may happen to be the exact place in your baskets.

Now, again, the current will remind our citizens of all the dangers of these findings. Only experienced fungi can distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible. Therefore, if in doubt, whether it is a edible fungus, it is better not to take it!!! Remember, it is impossible to collect mushrooms in parks and gardens, near the dumps, roads with great traffic, along the rail trails, as they have a property to accumulate in their body various poisonous substances. Environmentally friendly fungus is dangerous, as well as poison. Do not take Chervyvi mushrooms – they can also be poisoned, in addition to the Donets ' basket home, contagious and healthy mushrooms.

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Most dangerous fungus-pale toadpin. It occurs often. Inexperienced fungi sometimes confuse it with mushrooms or syrups, but this fungus contains a strong poison-amanites. It is not destroyed by heat treatment, does not dissolve in water. One pale toadworm, which has got into food, can ruin three or four adult people. Pale toadsides are a bit similar to champignons, but in the pale toadside the bottom of the cap is greenish white, and in the Champignon-pink. Mumanita is easily recognizable for bright red with white-spotted cap. Sometimes there are gray muhomseas.

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The gall fungus is similar to the white, but the upper part of its legs is covered with a pattern in the form of a black or dark gray mesh, and the pulp on the break blush. Defective chanterelles are similar to the chanterelles edible, but their caps are equal, reddish-orange, and not light yellow, as in edible, and with an unlacquered cap of unknown chanterelles secreted white juice.
Collecting the applause, carefully inspect their legs. In edible applause on the leg is a ring of film, and in a non-genuine film, and the plates under the cap greenish. In order not to poison mushrooms, be careful when collecting them. If the fungus is similar to poison, if you doubt whether it is edible, it is better to throw it away.
During the excursions, which are held in the Departments of forestry, our employees necessarily and constantly pay attention to the theme of recognition of poisonous and edible fungi.
And remember the folk wisdom: fungi can be eaten, but some are only once in a lifetime…