Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Ivankivsky forestry". "Researchers" visiting the Litsivnikov.

For the excursion to the forestry forestry of the SE «Ivankivsky Forestry» Visited the pupils of the ecological-naturalistic club «Researcher» Gornostepilskogo NGO together with his head of Gonchar Natalia.

Assistant Lisnykovo Skopych Maxim acquainted students with the main activities of forestry: how grown seedlings of pine in a controlled environment, how to grow ornamental plants on a pulley, how to watch the forest arrays through a camera Video surveillance, in order to early detecting forest fires, told about the rules of conduct in the forest. The students saw a fire truck in action. Later, there was a tour in the area where the garden of forest crops is planned. The Assistant of forestry showed the main tool used in the landing of the forest-sword Kolesova, and everyone tried to plant their tree.

Thank you to the head of Nataliya Gonchar's club and her pupils for their indifferent and respectful attitude towards the environment!!!