Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "fastiv forestry". Strategic supply of sowing material for the future.

This year, thanks to a good harvest of seeds of oak ordinary, forestry of Fastiv forestry not only sown the acorn on the forest nursery in sufficient quantities, but also made a strategic supply of sowing material for the future.

To make the seeds of oak not lost further similarity, it is stored in special conditions. There are different methods of short-term storage of acorns oak trees: in pits, trenches, but for a longer period – only in a controlled environment. In the Fastiv forestry for this use – seed vault with the appropriate temperature and air humidity, which is located in the Velprilki forestry.

Before placing a acorn in the refrigeration chamber, it is dried, processed by the foundation, with the purpose of protection against fungal diseases, and are treated to the barrels with a capacity of 100 liters. With a ventilation washing. On each barrel with acorns attached Birka, which specifies the place of collection, weight and date of storage.