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One problem in three states: what the climate and people have done with pines, and why the self-cutting

The problem of pine tree on the territory of Ukraine began in 2010-2012, 2006. The first signals were received from Zhytomyr Polissya, the assistant professor at the Forestry Department of the National Forestry University of Ukraine Volodymyr Kramarova. And this year the problem has exacerbated greatly.

The nipple lacks moisture

The problem of pine tree on the territory of Ukraine began in 2010-2012, 2006. The first signals were received from Zhytomyr Polissya, the assistant professor at the Forestry Department of the National Forestry University of Ukraine Volodymyr Kramarova. According to the scientist, the Lviv region has compressed this year-two ago. And this year the problem has exacerbated greatly.

The process goes very quickly for several reasons. Firstly, in recent years we have very high air temperature at low rainfall, – Volodymyr Kramarova explained. – Pine is a breed that can grow in different conditions – from moist soil to quite dry. But if it is accustomed to one level of moisture, now it is not received, because there is a decrease in groundwater. And this is the consequences of reclamation, which was carried out in 60-70-ies. Twentieth century, and the effects of arid years.

He also emphasized that in recent years in the villages are very much in the buttocks, in the summer the water disappears: "A forest is a living organism that is used to live in certain conditions at a certain mode of moisture." Therefore the forest of the very first suffers from such changes.

The rains have become short and local

Meteorologists note that in the last six years the amount of precipitation in Lviv region has really decreased. The head of the meteorological forecasts Department of the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorological was Nadiya Yasarenko noted that during this period the most humidity was 2010 year.

The norm for Lviv is 740 mm of precipitation, and in 2010. Fixed 932, 5 mm. Also, the amount of precipitation was higher than in 2013 and 2014. For the rest of the year there was a slightly lower figure. During eight months of 2016 the year in Lviv, 461 mm of precipitation fell. I can already say that this year we do not reach the norm. But I think this is not a critical dry year,-said Nadia Yasarenko.

In her words, in recent years the nature of precipitation has changed in Lviv during summer. Now, in general, fixed the short rains of local character in minor areas.

"If in the summer we could have rains that dragged almost the entire area and lasted one or several days, now prolonged rainfall is uncommon," said meteorologist. We associate this with the fact that there is virtually no exit of southern cyclones that would bring protracted and intense rains. If earlier they came at least ten times a year, now to five. And the present cyclones only come and go.

Nadezhda Yasarenko added that by 2010 in Lviv there were cyclones that formed in the Carpathians. They caused rather intense rains. There is almost no such time.

"North-Atlantic Cyclones pass slightly north of us, and the exit of the southern cyclones almost do not fix. These are isolated cases. Mainly they go to the south of Ukraine via Odesa region,-said Nadezhda Yasarenko.

Speaking of local showers, meteorologist said: In a few hours in a certain place can fall a monthly norm. But the month is considered to be dry, because the precipitation is very small. For example, in August Brody District became the only one where rainfall exceeded the norm. But this is due to the fact that there for six hours of one day fell 48 mm rainfall. That is, it is more than half a monthly norm. And during August they had very little rain.

Stem nematodes have become a threat to the trees.

Director of Institute of Ecology of Carpathian NAS of Ukraine d. N. Mykola Kozinsky added that during the last years the duration of warm period increased, and winter is not so cold. This has led to the fact that in the last ten years vegetation of plants begins 10 days faster and ends at 10-15 days later. That is, if before the average duration of vegetation amounted to 84 days, now it is about 100-115 days.

"Due to this, the pests of trees have the opportunity to give not only one offspring, but a few. That is why the situation considerably worsened, said M. Kozlovsky and said that now the reason for the drying of pines is even the stem nematodes, which always lived on the tree and did not bring harm to him.

"Nematoda" is not something wrong. She lives and will live next to us. In general, in every tree can be found nematodes, but they were not interested, because they did not bring harm,-explained the director of the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians. -Now the infection looks like this: there is a dry tree with stem nematodami, the beetle flew, put out the eggs, some time his larvae live there, and before you become a purble, the insects fall into nematodes. When the insect grows and flies, it can have 10-20 thous. Larvae. She did not harm. However, when nematodes fall on healthy pines, infect them.

According to the scientist, it would not be so scary if we were kept the same climatic conditions that were.
«At 12 degrees heat pests develop a month from eggs to adult individuals. At 17 degrees of heat – two weeks, at 25 – three days, that is very roughly. It turns out this geometric progression. This is, as a nuclear explosion, leading to the fade of trees in two weeks,-explained M. Kozlovsky.

Dangerous tip

Contributes to the growing of pines and the development of insect groups that feed on the trunk of the tree. They live in pine forests of the age, but lately there have been favorable conditions for the development of the so-called tip-top and other types of stem pests.

"If the types of stem insects that develop in the lower part of the barrel, can be detected by drying the drill of the flour, then those who settle thin branches, discover difficult. Often, when the process of injection is active, only then we see the problems with the Crown – yellowing of the needles, the drying of branches, explained Volodymyr Kramarova.

In nature, everything exists in the complex. If there is a bit of stem nematod, then one branch can dry up, and then recover. But if the bottom is an openok, in the trunk of nematodes, there is something in the root and crust, then comes a joint action,-said M. Kozlovsky. – Here is the so-called Theory of trigger mechanism – who first makes more troubles. That is, everything works in the complex. The cows and other pests that penetrate into the wood become carriers of nematodes. It looks like a mutually beneficial work: nematodes did so that the tree was dried, and the cows were put into the eggs, the slaps were infected with Nematodami, later the insects were flying down the forest… And to thrive only pests, and trees dry.

The problem of the drying of pines does not know borders

Experts note that the Pines are not only in Ukraine. With such a problem faced both in Belarus, and in Poland. That is why recently in the State enterprise "Rava-Russkoe Forestry" held a joint Ukrainian-Polish seminar on the drying of pine trees. The lissivniki from both countries shared the experience of combating this problem.

"From the colleagues from the Polish side sounded the question, why in Lviv still not taken away from the wood dried trees, did not remove the causes of injection (i.e. scabies)," Volodymyr Kramarova, who reported during the seminar. Our forestry explained that now under the watchful supervision of public organizations and various controlling institutions. Therefore, each step must be weighed.

According to the scientist, that is why Lissivniki can not move a large number of trees.

"Polish colleagues do not understand how certain actions of lisiimy can dictate a person without education, without special knowledge." They also had similar attempts. But in Poland answered such critics from public organizations: "Well, you want us not to rub, then give the document that you take responsibility for yourself". No one should do it, he explained. Krasirets.

That is why, according to the scientist, in Poland, the Litsivnyky go ahead of the coronation, and in Ukraine – after them.
"Poles do not wait until the pine dries completely and will lose its technical quality, if it can be used as a good wood. We wait until the wood dries up and scabies, which is a portable mushroom that is developing inside the wood, destroy it. The top loaf is one of the main distributors of mushroom-causative agents of the cigar. That is why we, instead of normal boards, get wood with dark gray, blue, almost black stripes, which significantly worsens its technical quality.

M. Kozinsky noted that Polish forestry are punished – expelled from work – for the fact that they allow staying in a wood of dried or burning pines.

We are on the contrary – everyone is waiting for permissions. And so can not. Trees are sick – they should be taken away, he added.
To save the forest you need to chop trees in time

Vladimir Krasyrets emphasizes that the forest is necessary to chop the sick and populated by the carps of the tree in time.

In our conditions it is the end of May – beginning of June, when the coronoid is under the crust in wood. When we take away the damaged trees, then we fight with scabies. If you do not, then from one family of 5-7 insects per month-a half appears 60-70 people of the young generation, inhabiting the new trees. Accordingly, we have a geometric progression of an increase in the number of pests, the number and pests of which is lagonlike. In our conditions, scabies can settle new pine trees several times during the summer, so Polish colleagues give such great importance to their own spring struggle – it dramatically reduces the activity of pests in the summer,-said the expert.

The director of the Carpathian Ecology Institute Mykola Kozinsky agrees with him: we must change the existing sanitary norms. Not very competent people like to regret the forest, when offered from April to mid-June to ban sanitary cuts. But at the same time it should be understood, if in a healthy forest there are two or three sick trees, which we do not cut, wait until the pests are healed, thus the large area of plantings will be infected.

Volodymyr Kramarova added that Poland has an extremely high level of confidence in forestry and their professional activities.

"Over these Ukrainian colleagues have a long time and work, explaining their activities and promoting their work",-said V. Krasirets.

"To prevent further drying of the nipple of the lysine must take time to take away the damaged, populated pests of the wood from the forest, like this to our friends-environmentalists, the public or not," he said. – Lissivnyk studied to grow healthy forests and without preventing the damage of wood, it is time to take it. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure and timely reforestation-to create new forest plantings in place of the cut. Forestry measures do not give the opportunity to completely warn the processes of drying and degradation of the nipple. However, they will allow to slow down the process of drying, to use wood to complete loss of technical quality and will provide additional time for the forest-protective and forest-new measures.

"This forest was planted to give it a product," added M. Kozlovsky. – He has to perform the economic function (wood and other accompanying things), and the ecological (delayed water, that there was no erosion), and social (rest, work of people in the forest). This should be viewed comprehensively. If the tree is planted to cut, and they are now dying, what to do with them? Keep? This is not advantageous.

According to him, in place of the cut off plantings it is necessary to form a completely different tree state. This should be engaged only by professionals.

Nadezhda Sapaga,
By materials of Lviv OULMG