Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Bila tserkva forestry". Prevention of forest fires – it is common!

A meeting of forest protection of Volodovsky forestry of the State Enterprise "Bila Tserkva forestry" with the employees of Volodore pc of Ukraine in Kyiv region was held. The specialists of the Stns during the conversation highlighted the necessity to conduct informational and explanatory work with the population concerning safe treatment of fire in the forests and park areas, especially in places of increased recreational loading.

The participants of the meeting agreed to the necessity of close cooperation between departments in need of preventive work with the population for fire safety in forest planting of Volodan district. Forestry workers received a letter from Express information, as well as leaflets with basic safety rules in the forest and the algorithm of action during the detection of explosive objects for further distribution and installation on the corners of security.


Told Lisnychy Volodovsky A. A. Kamenchuk