Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "Dymerskiy forestry". Let's join us in the ranks of forest defenders!

Photo by Lyudmila Shramkova.

In the spring-summer period, the protection of forest areas from fires is extremely relevant. And this is a problem not only for foresters, but also for each of us. Because the forest is our common property.

As it's a great-hot day, especially on weekends, go to nature to relax on a forest glade among the beauty of nature, with songs on the guitar near the center in a friendly circle. Enjoying the beauty of nature, remember the rules of behavior in the forest: "Do not leave behind garbage, do not light the fire in the fire hazard period."

The main reason for forest fires is the careless handling of fire and the neglect of fire safety rules. Particularly worrying is the fact that rural managers, entrepreneurs and villagers clean dry grass with fire. After burning the grass, the owners do not follow the spread of fire, and as a result the fire enters the forest. Often forest fires arise from the fault of a person who has thrown a cigar or a match. Therefore, green pine trees are more expensive than roads, but yellow and red. More they will not please children and adults with their beauty in the winter.

Also, with the approach of the summer, children can often be seen resting in the forest and near the water reservoirs that are safe to handle the fire, and there are no adults who would be alerted to danger. But still, the damage that the fire of childhood neglect can bring about will have to be reimbursed.

Forests of the State Enterprise "Dymer Forestry" would like to remind forest lovers of the main rules of handling in forest plantations during the fire hazard period. So, when visiting forests, the following should be borne in mind.

During the fire hazard period it is prohibited:

– breeding of fireplaces in the forest;

– check-in on the territory of the forest fund (other than transit routes) of vehicles and other mechanisms;

– To smoke, to throw unfulfilled matches in the woods;

– to place less than 100 m from the edge of the garbage dumps, flammable production and to plant fires;

– burning grass and other plant remains on the lands of the forest fund, as well as on other land directly adjacent to the forest (including the holding of agricultural palaces);

– Dismantling and burning garbage in forest plantations, building residues; 

– household and combustible waste, etc.

The control of these requirements is entrusted to the bodies of internal affairs, state fire protection and state forest protection.

But the main thing – the attitude of citizens to the forest. It is extremely difficult to stop the fire in the forest. Unfortunately, it is understood mainly by those who have to deal with the consequences of the careless attitude of people towards nature.

If you witness a fire do not stay indifferent. When the fire is not large, try to extinguish yourself or call the services around the clock to alternate to save the forest from the fire.

Do not be indifferent to the future of our nature! Be careful with fire within any natural area so that your carelessness does not cause a forest fire. Let's work together and keep our forests out of the fires.

Director of SE "Dymerskoe Forestry" V.I. Glushchenko

Photo by Lyudmila Shramkova.