Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "Fastiv forestry".

Despite the fact that this year the winter was protracted and snow cover was not allowed to start a forest cultural campaign, in the Fastiv forestry is planned in time, qualitatively and in the shortest time to complete the planting of forest crops, until the soil is kept moisture.
On April 5-6, with the onset of favourable weather conditions, actively began work on preparation of the soil and the spring landing of the forest in Fastiv and Dorgianskyi forestry. At present, Veprykovskoye and Snittinske Forestry were involved in this work.
In general, the forestry is planned to plant 70 hectares of forest crops, and taking into account the log cabins and the quarter of 2018-about 90 hectares, and also to hold a supplement on the square-100 hectares.