Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "Fastiv forestry". Protection of work – First of all!

In order to attract attention of society, public authorities, business entities, public organizations to labour protection, prevention of unhappy accidents on production and professional diseases, April 28 the whole world celebrates the day The labor protection, which this year goes under the motto: "A protected and healthy generation".
In the Fastiv forestry, during April-May, a series of measures on the moon, dedicated to the world labour protection Day, namely: a survey of industrial safety on all subdivisions of forestry, the design of the corners of the Labour protection, organization and holding of contests for the best working place, better production area, etc., and celebrating of winners in different nominations.
It should be noted that the labor protection in the enterprise is taken care of constantly. Forestry during the year takes care of its employees, providing their special clothes, means of individual protection at work places; Constantly works in the direction of improvement of working conditions, carries out preventive measures for industrial traumatism and influence of harmful factors on workers and fulfills all conditions of collective agreement on labour protection, because healthy workers are a guarantee of successful of the enterprise.

A photograph from Lyudmila Shframework.