Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "fastiv forestry". The clonal-seed plantation of the usual pine was created.

As a result of collaboration of SE «Fastiv forestry» and SE «Kyiv Forest Research Station»,

For the provision of forest-cultural production with high-quality sowing material with improved hereditary properties in Vesprilki forestry in a quarter of 37 in the area of 1.9 hectares created a clonal-seed plantation of the usual pine.

According to the recommendations of the Forest Research station, to ensure sufficient illumination of trees and stimulating fruiting, seedlings were planted on the scheme-5 x 10 meters (388 pieces),

Using a landing material with a closed root system,

Obtained as a result of vaccinations of cuttings from the clones of the Spit trees on the rootstocks of pine usual.

To protect the newly created culture from the damage of wild animals, after planting, they immediately processed the repilenits.