Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG


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With the advent of favourable weather conditions in all divisions of SE «Viŝedubečanskij forestry started spring lìsokulturnì work.

This spring is scheduled for reforestation on an area of 200 hectares, and the addition of forest crop on an area of 380 HA, through this 3.0 million. pieces of sejantsev main lìsoutvorûûčih species (pine, Oak).

Also it is planned to sow 1.0 hectare forest nursery, this will visìâno 4 tones of forest seeds.

For the execution of the planned common works all forestry are provided with the appropriate equipment, equipment, planting and sowing material.