Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

The third place in the national selection of the International competition "Youth in the forests of Europe" has won our team!

Today the team of Kiev Regional and M. Kiev management of forest and hunting economy (hereinafter – management) has won a prize place in the national selection of the International competition "Youth in the forests of Europe", which took place in the premises of the State agency of forest resources of Ukraine.

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The contest program included: Testing on knowledge of forestry of Ukraine in English; Checking the ability to understand the text of the liabilities; Interview in English.

The jury included: The Love of Polyakova – head. Sector of international relations, science and public relations of State Forestry, Viktor Kornienko – First deputy head of the Society of Forestry of Ukraine, Vitaly Storozhuk – Chief technologist of the new technologies Department of Ukrderzhlisproekt, Olha Klimenko goal. Specialist in international relations, science and public relations of goslygenanism.

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Our team was represented by the members of the student's forest "Young Litsivnyky" (head – Valentina Fedusenko) and "Snetinske" (heads – Vitalina Popov and Halyna Borisyuk), operating on the base of the SE "Boguslav forestry" and SE "Fastiv forestry" respectively.

It is not possible to stop at every representative of selection, because these girls deserve our admiration and respect.


Viktoriya Veresenko – Prizewinner of the second stage of Olympiads in English language, chemistry, foreign literature and physics, winner of the game of checkers;

Lisova Karina-prizewinner (2nd place) III (regional) stage of all-Ukrainian student olympiads in Jurisprudence, prizewinner (3rd place) in the regional stage of Olympiads in informatics;

Tetyana Sydorenko-The winner of the regional stage of the Olympiads in jurisprudence-(and place), in biology and English-(second place), from foreign literature-(and place), the winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Foreign literature-(and place), the participant of the English-speaking competition FLEX – (2nd round), winner of the literary contest "Kyiv region – my native land";

Shumina Euphemia is the winner of the 2nd regional stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in English, participant of the third oblast stage of the all-Ukrainian student Olympiads in English (IV place), participant of the Іі regional stage of man (competition for the protection of pupils Research works of Small Academy of Sciences/work in English/, winner of the regional contest "in the lens of naturalist"-/theme: "Rational nature Management"/.

Опубліковано Державне агентство лісових ресурсів України 23 травня 2018 р.

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We are proud, girls, let your thirst for knowledge be the guarantee of your success and prosperity of our country!

We congratulate the heads of the State forestry enterprises and educational institutions, on the basis of which forestry-the winners of national selection of the International competition "Youth in the forests of Europe": Valentina Mogilevskiy – Director of SE "Boguslav forestry", Oleh Chemersky-director of State Enterprise "Fastiv Forestry", Mykola Diyoka – Director of Malosnitynsky Zzso and-III degrees and Kateryna Ivchenko-director of the Boguslavska Specialized school № 1.

We congratulate all the Lisivnikov of Kyiv region with good start of noble cause!

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Опубліковано Людмилою Шрамковою 23 травня 2018 р.