Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Media about us. From the newspaper «Makarìvskì Izvestiya» 16.03.2018 p. No. 10 (11018)


The emergency situation in Polissya, wood like pine forests. A few years ago only watched the lìsìvniki poodinoke dying trees or small groups, now often see the sudden change sosnâkìv on the large square (to gektaru and more). This anomaly is not exclusively Ukrainian problem vsihannâm coniferous forests currently covered a number of European countries. In Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Romania, Belarus, South of Russia, as well as in Ukraine, like tens of thousands of hectares of forest, among scientists and workers of forestry increasingly gaining the unofficial name given to the phenomenon of “biological fire in forest ».

What is the cause of this trouble? Research scientists show that the culprit in this situation is a small insect – apical bark beetle. A beetle the size of 2-4 mm, Brown, first zaselâê the most weakened trees in nasadžennì, starting from the top of the Crown and subsequently occupies entire trunk. Krone fractured trees, it changes its color from Emerald to white, then rudìê and strong wind crumbles along with thin tree branches on the ground. The bark on the trunk too dies, then starts to peel off and opadati. Bark beetle is powered and develops under the young bark of the branches and trunk, which leads to a blockage of the flow of wood moisture and wood weakens and eventually dies. In addition, the apical bark beetle is a perenosnikom fungal diseases of trees – the mushroom ofìostomìv. These mushrooms cause so-called “blue”-blue and dying infected wood. Working in this tandem, beetles apical koroïda (from 5 to 15 thousand individuals in the tree) destroy the healthy tree within a month, turning it into a vìdmerlij away the dead wood.

However, the drying of the forest through contamination by insects and fungal diseases is only apparent, the final phase of the problem. Scientists believe that the original data of the negative processes is a massive weakening of the forest stands due to global climate change and disruption of the water supply. Previously, most of the trees have been successfully fought pests through their own protective weapons – turpentine, which dezinfìkuê formed by the wounds of the plants and having extraordinary sticky properties leads to death of harmful insects. Now, due to lack of moisture in the soil, abnormally high summer temperatures, most of the plantings is in a weakened condition and on their own to counter the threat. Favorable weather-climatic conditions and availability of adequate feed base allow the škìdniku to increase the number and the number of annual generacìj offspring, which in turn leads to the emergence of a new, even larger areas of vsihan.

Also the trouble and forests our makariv. The results of the survey conducted last fall, a survey of coniferous plantations, SE Region forestry discovered more than 2000 hectares of plantations affected by verhìvkovim beetle, with about 50 HA is forest that is almost completely vsohlimi have lost their lìsìvničì functions and require clearcutting ruban with further measures of artificial reproduction of forest on the data. Defeat was near 93000 m3 of wood, 70% of which at present there is already a suhostoêm, and the rest, with nesvoêčasnomu of its removal from the stands, it becomes. Most cells of the pest is detected in the Zabuânskomu, the Nìžilovickomu and the Makarov lìsnictvah, although in the rest of the divisions of their lot.


Some scientists in the coming years apical bark beetle itself, naturally, did not disappear. On the contrary, the pest spreads even more intensively and niŝitime forests intact forests, and this is a threat for a dozen – one and a half years to lose the coniferous forests of Polissya. Methods to prevent and fight the beetle is not so much. Since a larger period of his life, the insect is carrying out under the bark of a tree, a chemical way to destruction, as for example in the fight against hvoê and listogrizučimi pests, apply. Is not efficient and putting up special pheromones traps, as shown by experiments, using a well defined quantity, composition by article numbers and other characteristics of populations of insects, but overcome them a pest. Now whether or not the only effective way of confronting trouble remains timely conducted by sanitary cutting, selective or total, depending on the degree of damage to plantations. Late, tardy application of this event will not give the expected positive effect, since processed tree pest quickly abandons pereselâûčis a healthy pine and thereby increasing the radius of the area. When data binding works is the burning of residues of porubkovih or their shredding drobarkami. An accompanying event of the fight should be measures to privablennû and protection in woodlands insectivorous species of birds (putting up artificial homes, the protection of nesting, and save duplistih trees, etc.).

Under the terms of the great value in the work of foresters shall issue timely detection and monitoring of cells change and efficiency measures. However this often have problems and not from our own fault. Recently, the State adopted a number of legislative acts (new edition sanpravil, laws of Ukraine about the season of silence and the assessment of environmental impact), which considerably slow down the procedure for implementing the necessary sanitary measures. So the procedure for obtaining permission to rubku stretched into more than two months, the season of silence banned for 2.5 months to conduct sanitary cabin, and pests at that time actively proliferate and zaražuût New Territories, etc. All these innovations are the result of the exacerbation of mistrust to foresters and their work. How differently when we hear daily in sensational MEDIA revelatory reports about alleged illegal felling, emotional speeches by radical defenders of nature? Falling under the influence is not always true, often unauthentic information, ordinary citizens tolerate negative individual cases on the work of the entire industry, not trying to even minimally to independently look into the situation. In particular, in case of any questions or doubt the legality of our company or other measures, each inhabitant of the district may ask for clarification to forestry in the territory of which the works are conducted. Or to make, according to the current legislation, a request to the company for obtaining public information. In addition to forestry operates the Internet website where in the relevant sections of the person concerned can find information that interests her.

Kondrackij Sergey

Chief Ranger

SE Region forestry


«Makarìvskì news»

16.03.2018 r.

No. 10 (11018)