Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Media about us Subsidiary “Ivankivsky forestry”

“… Pine is attacked by a deadly pest – an apical bark, after three years of warming, the poison develops in a geometric progression, and if it does not actively fight it, most of the pine forests can perish.” Another way than to cut out the affected areas of the forest, experts are not currently seeing. attention to the problem was held on October 12-13 at the State Enterprise “Ivankivsky Forestry” in Kyiv region a training seminar was held on the topic: “The loss of pine plantations, problems and ways of their solution.” The “Cheka” visited the site … ”

Read more According to the materials of the newspaper “Time of Kyivschyna” dated 10/20/2017, No. 41