Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

At the visiting board of the State forestry examined the results of activity for 9 months

On November 2, during the visiting board of the state agency of forest resources in Chernihiv region, a plenary meeting on the results of economic and financial activity of enterprises of the industry for 9 months of 2018 year has been held.

In particular, it was reported that during this period in the forests of the industry liquidated 1164 fires on the area 1279 hectares, which is 52% of the number and 24% in the area compared to the same period of 2017. The average area of one fire was halved and constituted 1.1 hectares.

The largest number of fires is registered in Kherson (204 cases), Lugansk (194) and Dnipropetrovsk (175) Regional departments of forestry and hunting economy. The largest area of fires-in Kherson (761 hectares), Lugansk (144 hectares), Kharkov (95 hectares) and Dnepropetrovsk (71 hectares) regional offices of forestry and hunting economy.

The volume of illegal rubok for 9 months of the year Significantly decreased compared to the same period of last year. It amounted to 14 thous. Cube. M, which is 58% of the volume during this period of 2017 (24 ths). Cube. m).

However, the increase in the volume of illegal Rubok took place in the Dnipropetrovsk deceptive-1.2 times (1433 cu. m), Volyn – 1.3 times (1074 cu. m), Donetsk-1.9 times (544 cu м), Zaporizhzhya – 2.1 times (758 cu. m), Mykolaivskyi – 2.4 times (282 cu. m) and Khmelnitsky – 2.5 times (306 cu. m). Above all, it is due to lack of budget financing for measures on forest protection for southern and eastern regions of Ukraine.

The total amount of damage caused to the forest amounted to 91.6 mln UAH, of which UAH 63.4 million, or 69%, falls on unestablished forest infringers.

Besides, participants of the meeting considered the issues of hunting economy.

During 9 months of 2018 year the hunting grounds of Ukraine on the rules of hunting rule were compiled 1924 protocols. The employees of Subdepartmental Enterprises of the state agency have compiled 1577 protocols (82% of the total number), the UHFA-189 (9.8%), the Ministry of Environment-90 (4.7%) and other organizations-68 (3.5%). The total amount of the imposed fines on rule breakers is 397 thousand. Uah.

As it was noted, last weekend, some users did not notice the recommendations of the State Committee on the urgency of conducting of the field-action to reduce the temperature regime.

In this regard, deputy Chairman of the State committee Vladimir Bondar commissioned to urgently organize the raids group with the involvement of representatives of local police, environmental inspectorate and constantly conduct raids on the protection State hunting Fund from poaching and verification of users of hunting grounds for observance of safety rules in organization and conducting of shooting.

Also, the Board informed that in 2018, forestry enterprises planned to build, repair and reconstruct about 515 km and equip road clothes more than 418 mmlesforest highways.

As of 01.10.2018, the state forestry has built, repaired and reconstructed more than 420 km of earthen canvas, which is 82% of the planned volume of expensive clothes more than 265 km, or 63% from planned.

Analyzed on the board of the State forestry and economic and financial state of forestry enterprises.

According to the results of financial and economic activities received 12.3 billion UAH net income from the sale of products (goods, works, services), which is 2.5 billion UAH more than a similar period of last year (25%) increase.

The forestry was sent to the state enterprises 4.6 billion USD, which is 1.1 billion UAH more than 9 months of 2017. 4.5 billion UAH of own turnover of enterprises on forestry, 98.9 million of Hryvnias received at the expense of financial and other aid, UAH 18.6 million enterprises are allocated from local budgets.

Regarding paid taxes for 9 months of the year. It was noted that total taxes and the amount of UAH 4.5 billion were paid. In particular, industry enterprises are paid to the budget 3.5 billion uah of taxes, charges and obligatory payments, which is UAH 673 million (24%) More than the appropriate period of 2017. Of these, the state budget was paid 2.2 MGP UAH (63%), to the local-1.3 ldp UAH (37%). The most specific weight in the amount of paid taxes and charges is the value added tax – 39% (1.3 bln UAH), income tax of individuals – 25% (869 million UAH) and the annuity fee for special use of forest resources – 21% (UAH 715 mln). In addition to taxes, enterprises of the industry under the reporting period is UAH 1 billion of single social contribution.