Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

At the Congress of Forestry of Ukraine proposed an alternative to the creation of a single company, concession and privatization of forests

Declared by individual forces of the movement to the privatization of forests, to the creation of a single company, to transfer forestry in concession is a movement, which in its final form means the destruction of Ukrainian forests. The deputy head of the state committee Vladimir Bondar was emphasized during the 4th Congress of the Lissivkivky Ukraine.

He noted that this is not only his opinion, it is the opinion of experts of the industry, scientists, representatives of the United Territorial communities. "Against the expressed and unanimous participants of the national dialogue on reforming the forest industry, which was held in July with the assistance of the UN European Economic Commission and FAO," Volodymyr Bondar said.

On the consequences of the possible creation of a single entity in forestry, deputy head of the department noted: in Slovenia, Lithuania or Austria the existence of a single company is quite possible as a result of a small one – up to 20% of the share of . In Ukraine, there is 381 forestry enterprise and in the conditions of a hundred-percent state property on the forests privatize them easier, "having said" as classic in one. We are very thankful that deputies of local and national level were against this false decision.