Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Work systematically and weighed on the development of the industry and every forestry enterprise-Volodymyr Bondar during a meeting with the forestry of Bukovina

The consideration of urgent practical questions of the field and the definition of directions of its further system development was in the center of attention during the working trip of deputy chairman of the State committee Vladimir Bondar in Bukovyna.

Photograph from state agency of forest resources of Ukraine.

In particular, the protection of the State Forestry Fund of Chernivtsi region with the help of the modern technical level mobile brigades of operative reaction was discussed. In Chernivtsi region there are seven brigades for today.

Photograph from state agency of forest resources of Ukraine.