Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

The greeting of the deputy head of the state forestry Vladimir Bondar on the Independence Day of Ukraine

Dear employees of forestry of Ukraine!

 We congratulate you with one of the most important for every Ukrainian holiday – Independence Day of Ukraine!

Overcoming huge difficulties, our country has been in succession by self-assertion for the third consecutive decade. Today the whole world is watching a staged but confident building of a democratic Ukraine.

Independence Day – A holiday for all, who daily their own achievements and work for the benefit of our country is multiplied by its power and glory, for those who are rampant with respect to Ukraine.

And you, the workers of forestry, are among those who depend on the future of prosperity and well-being of Ukraine. Now we have to be the only ones ever. We must unite and show the Ukrainian society that Labour of forestry is a guarantee of ecological stability of our country.

Despite all the problems, we are proud of it. Thanks to your daily and tireless work, little seedlings become mighty trees that bring all people a lot of good.

I am sure that unity, mutual respect and diligence will be the key to the development of our country, well-being of every Ukrainian family and healthy, happy growth of future generations.

I wish you health, peace, joy, creative inspiration and faith in yourself and in the happy future of Ukraine!

Sincerely, deputy head of state agency of forest Resources of Ukraine                         

Volodymyr Bondar