Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Reform in forestry will be successful when it supports the vast majority of employees in the industry, – Volodymyr Bondar

According to the findings of our European colleagues the reform in forestry will be successful when it supports not less than 80% of employees in the industry. This said, the Deputy Head of the State Agency of forest resources Volodymyr Bondar, during the Congress of the society of Forestry of Ukraine, which took place at the National University of bioresources and nature management.
Today, the forest industry is on the cusp of significant changes and a well thought-out positions at all levels in the field and in the community depends on the future of forestry and ecological stability of the State “,-said Vladimir Bondar.
He noted that the issue of the reform and development of forestry is discussed already the past two years. “At the suggestion of the public Council under Deržlìsagentstvì was started with the preparation of the sustainable development strategy and institutional reform of forestry, which is a framework document and provides ways of exit from crisis in the short term. In developing the strategy of the State forest Agency, we had an opportunity to take into account the views of different stakeholders. The draft Strategy has been put up for public discussion, held discussions on advanced manufacturing meeting State forest Agency, Collegium of the State forest Agency and public Council, said Deputy Head of the Agency.
In his words, for exit from the crisis and to protect the interests of society and ensure the sustainability of the development of Deržlìsagentstvo propisalo in the Strategy the main obvious principles/safety, which should be based forestry farming. Among other things, it:
• prevent the privatization of forests or giving them a concession
• recognition of the multifunctionality of forestry
• definition of forestry, which a priori must include a Billet of wood and harvested products
• preservation of the State structure of the management of forest management
• inclusion of forestry to the priority sectors of the economy
• Organization of wood market in Ukraine in accordance with international standards and treaties signed and ratified by the State
“Sustainable development of forestry is not possible without a sound legislative and regulatory framework. The State forest agency draft strategy contains a list of legal acts, which regulate different aspects of forestry and need urgent development or improvement. And we have already developed these documents and soon will present them on Monday, a meeting of the agricultural Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “,-said Vladimir Bondar.
He also informed the participants of the Congress on the distribution of functions in forestry in reform. In particular, according to the Deputy Chairman of the Agency legislatively all management functions are divided – the Ministry forms a forest policy (and even if Deržlìsagentstvo, according to the authority, prepares drafts of documents, their final version depends on the The Ministry), the Ministry of environment is responsible for monitoring compliance with environmental legislation in all the forests of the State and endorses limits the use of forest resources and forest management plans, and enterprise leading forestry. The role of the State forest agency as the central body of the Executive power, which implements policies in the field of forestry and property management authority, in this context, among other things, is performing exactly to departmental oversight and coordination of Government forestry companies in order to maintain a proper level of forest management.
“Therefore, the State forest agency proposal to reform the institutional structure was based on three main points. First, the transfer of the functions of the deržlìsohoroni of State forestry enterprises the level of territorial State forest Agency. At the enterprises of the State forest Agency and other regular lìsokoristuvačìv service forest protection without the status of a law enforcement officer, but with the right drafting protocols and limited right of review cases about administrative offences, offences in the sphere of security, protection, use and reproduction of forests. I want to emphasize that Deržlìsagentstvo does not intend to pick up the reference function in the Ministry, they carried out the supervision and control of all the constant lìsokoristuvačami and the owners of the forests, and will do so in the future, said Volodymyr Bondar.
He also said that to separate the economic function of the proposed creation of the Deržlìsagentstvom associations of State forestry enterprises at the regional level with your delegation to them of part of the powers of the forestry enterprises. This State lìsgospi remain legal entities of State property that meets the requirements of Decree of the President of Ukraine of 21.11.2017 № 381 “on additional measures on the development of forestry, rational nature management and conservation objects of natural reserve fund. “
“The creation of these associations will help in coordinating the activities of enterprises and reduce the risk of interference in economic activity. Delegation will include, among other things, the Organization of lìsovporâdnih works, inventory and monitoring of forests, development and implementation of construction projects, including forest roads; coordination of activities of enterprises, in particular about the forestry measures (creation of nurseries, preventing large Eucalypt, vìtrovalami, etc.), security and protection of forests, implementation of the wood; implementation of investment projects, “said the Deputy Head of the State forest Agency.
The third principle, he said, is to expand the powers of the State forest Agency, including regarding the implementation of the forest policy of all permanent lìsokoristuvačami and the owners of the forests.
In addition, Volodymyr Bondar drew attention to the fact that in the draft strategy of the State forest agency singled out the issue of funding for forestry. In particular, government funding, which exists in all the countries of Europe, and the creation of a State Fund for the development of forestry.
“However, the forestry enterprises of East and South Ukraine urgently need State support now, they can’t wait until the work Foundation. So it is extremely important to get the support of the Government in the issue of redistribution of expenditures provided by the Ministry of State for 2018 year on forestry,-said the Deputy Head of the Agency.
During the Congress of the society of Forestry of Ukraine held the election of a new Head of the company. It became head of Department of Dendrology and forest breeding Educational-Scientific Institute of forestry and landscape architecture of the economy NUBIP Yuriy Marchuk. The Honorary Chairman was former Minister of forest gosopdarstva of Ukraine Valeriy Samoplavskij.
Congress also passed a resolution and appeal to the President and the Prime Minister of Ukraine. In these documents the position expressed on reform of forest industry and supported the draft sustainable development strategy and institutional reform of forestry, which is developed by the Working Group at Deržlìsagentstvì. Thus, lìsìvniki from all over Ukraine supported the reform of the forestry industry, proposed by the State Agency of forest resources of Ukraine.
With kind regards
press-service of the State forest Agency