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SE “Dymerskiy forestry”. Drying pine forests: causes and consequences.

Increasing the productivity of forests is impossible without implementation of activities in the fight against diseases and pests that reduces the productivity of plantings, often nullify all the work with the cultivation of forests. Especially the responsible task faced by employees of the State Enterprise “Dymerskoye forest” today, since forests have great narodnogospodarske value is the source of oxygen, water and play regulûûče and others. Sanitary State of forests due to the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors. It is known that over the past five years, there were significant changes as the weather and hydrological conditions, which have caused drastic depletion of pine forests. If three years ago, the shrinkage was the nature of the dying individual trees and small groups, today we have the sudden drying of whole forests, regardless of age or type of their conditions of growth. The motivation of such global disasters, there are two kinds of pests-koroïdìv, which lead to the rapid death of weakened trees. It’s vertex and šestizubčastij bark beetle. Vertex and šestizubij bark beetle are everywhere. Damage various types of pine, FIR, larch, fir tree, occasionally Juniper. The beetles overwinter under the bark and a small part of larvae and pupae, which do not have completed development of the onset. Beetles are awakening in the first decade of April and proceed in the extra power in the marches. Litas begins at the end of April, according to the air temperature 15-19 ° c, mass — in early may at a temperature of 20 ° c. Soon the beetles start laying new moves. Then pupate in late May. Development of the chrysalis ends 7-16 days. The newly learned beetles for 12-20 days extra feed in areas of development. When you check the mass plantations of trees, if the crust loses its freshness, the beetles are switching to power on the other. If you have 8-10 beetles they vigrizaût in the crust of the goal area Litas beetles second generation takes place in July. Repeated the process of formation, delaying the supply of eggs, larvae, and the revival of their zalâlkovuvannâ and formation of beetles that remain under the bark until spring. For the year develops two generation. The main signs of degradation of pine plantations as a result of the spread of pests stem lesions of vascular mìkozom is an intense character change derevostanu (kurtinnij, solid), the spread of drying from South to North, i.e. first of all the trees are dying the most lit fringes, as well as trees from the North adjacent to existing cells change. Square cells drying vary in the range from 0.1 to 2.0 ha. During the drying of the Crown of the trees of pine are characterized by gradual coloring glicì. So, from the beginning of the drying changes its coloring with dark-green to light green (light green) almost yellow, then red. Usually Krone starts vsihati out of the top. Vìdmerla glicâ a long time remains in the Crown. The above gives reason to conclude that the ultimate reason for drying trees are pine usual action complex of negative factors, namely reproduction and distribution stem pests (mainly koroïdìv) and of vascular mìkozu ( transfer mushrooms) in the face of an outbreak of mass reproduction of the first. With the aim of preserving the stability of the forests, prevent the development of pathological processes in the forest, reducing the harm inflicted by pests and diseases, foresters se Dymerskoye forestry measures are carried out “for the preservation of the coniferous forests Forest Foundation training. First of all, it is:-timely clearing of logging sites with laying branches thicker than 5 cm in the bottom of the heaps, the burning of porubkovih residues; – conduct cuttings main use, aimed at recreating derevostanìv of natural origin; -forming logging care derevostanìv mixed composition; -timely and speedy deleting fresh inhabited for pests of trees by carrying out continuous and selective sanitary cuttings. The problem is the drying of softwood plantations has reached a critical point. And because this issue concerns not only the foresters, but also the entire community. In fact, one of the biggest wealth that is endowed with our State. The value of the forest in a person’s life is very big and fresh air, and the singing of birds and the whisper of the green leaves, and the adorable aroma of wild flowers and herbs, and soothing song of forest streams. And the dbajlivìše, works economically, we will look after him, the more benefit it will bring us, and future generations.   Director of SE “Dymerskoye” forestry and Glushchenko