Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

SE Region timber enterprise.

The yard only 6 March 2018 year lìsìvniki SE “Makarìvske forest” today think about securing the rim material enterprises in lìsokulturnì work of the spring of the year 2019. For this forest protection has already collected nearly 9 tons of the cones of Pine ordinary, which is processed in its own šiškosušilcì that is located in the Nìžilovickomu forestry. So as to 28.02.2018 p. already redone 5 tone cones pine usual and received 45 kg. seeds. Taking stock of seeds last year, fresh seeds will be zakonservovane in glass bottles to store and use it in 2019, the crops in the conduits and nurseries. DP “Makarìvske forest” from year to year, stores and processes depending on the needs of the 9-15 tone of the cones of pine trees. that fully enough for growing the standard sejantsev Pine. for all lìsovìdnovlûvalnih works: planting forest cultures, promoting natural update and additions.