Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

SE “Teterivskij forestry”. Guests from Vinnitsa.

On the eve of the SE “Teterìvskij forestry of delegation visited se «Vinnitsa forestry Vinnytsia oblast administration of forestry and hunting economy.  The aim of the visit-exchange of experience in some areas of the work of enterprises, namely: forestry seed cultivation planting material accounting and accounting of forest production, economic development, protection of forests from fires and guarding video observation. Despite the fact that the meeting was not to last long, colleagues have discussed many issues that arise on a daily basis. And though due to various forest vegetable conditions, different species composition of forests and other regional differences in specificity of forestry management in where why is different, these two businesses are United by one common goal is rational forest exploitation and the creation of new plantings, their protection and security. It seems no one there doubt the usefulness of such meetings. After all, only a joint discussion of the issues and the collective experience of effective management are able to overcome difficulties and find the right path to success. Administration.