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In the walls of the Dorogynsk institute of ZSO I-III, a regular thematic meeting took place before the start of the actions "Reproduce the forests together" and "The future of the forest in your hands".

Photo from the Fastov forestry.

A regular meeting of forestry workers with pupils of Dorogynsk institute of ZSO I-III degrees took place.
Recently, a regular thematic meeting took place in the walls of the Dorogynsk institute of the I-III ZSO before the start of the actions "Reproduce the forests together" and "The future of the forest in your hands". Interesting employment with children was carried out by the assistant of the forestry Doroginskogo Forestry Gorovenko VS The meeting was also attended by the teachers of the institution and pupils of the pupils' forestry. For students of middle and upper grades there was a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the structure of the enterprise, directions of its activity, peculiarities of management in the forests, and the work of forestry specialists. Particular curiosity aroused in the students a beautifully executed presentation, at the demonstration of which were exposed all aspects of forestry activities in forest nurseries, boxes, the fight against forest fires, the importance of collecting valuable and quality seeds, reproduction of new plantings, etc. In the course of the meeting, children and teachers asked Vitaliy Sergeevich the actual and problematic questions of human-nature relationship, the drying of forests and their cropping and restoration, the value of the state-owned forest fossil sign FSC. In conclusion, all participants came to the conclusion: "Through such events, we feel a lively relationship with the headquarters, learn the opinion of specialists about the problems that exist in the industry and the ways of their elimination, and also think about the fact that the forest has a national significance."
Leadership of Dorogynsky pupils' forestry N.I. Knocked

Photo from the Fastov forestry.