Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

How Lissivnyky reproduce Ukrainian forests

The main task of forestry is cultivation and reproduction of forests. In order to understand how these processes happen, we want to clarify some aspects of forestry.

In accordance with the legislation, is granted two years, during which it is necessary to reproduce the forest in place of a solid log. Such period is due to the necessity of preparation of soil and other measures for planting of forest or facilitating its natural restoration.

usually, forestry will reproduce the forest already after the cutting year, and sometimes if there is all the conditions, and the same year.

The most favourable weather conditions for the reproduction of Forests-in spring and Autumn.

Realizing the urgency of the theme of reproduction of Ukrainian forests, We ask the mass media to submit information about the general areas of forest Reproduction. On infographics you can see that in 2018 the year will reproduce less forests than it was in 2017 year. This is due to the fact that there has been a significant reduction of solid runes during wood harvesting.

Worth paying attention! The significant reduction of the solid rubok in 2017 is due primarily by decreasing of the solid sanitary-and-hygienic Rudbok. In 2017, new sanitary rules were started to operate in the forests of ukraine, which provided restrictions on the use of solid sanitary tubes.

Infographics 2

The explanation for Infographic:

In 2016, the area of solid timber amounted to 52.2 thousand hectares. In 2017, the area of the rendered forests amounted to 53.8 thousand hectares (from them new forests-1.7 thousand. Ha

In 2017, the area of solid timber amounted to 40 thousand hectares. In 2018, the forest was recreated in the area of 36.6 thousand hectares (as at the beginning of october). By the end of the year the task of reproduction of forests on the area of more than 40 thousand hectares is planned (it is planned to create new forests – 1.4 Thous. Ha).

* Reproduction of forests in the current year takes place mainly on the log of last year

* * The data is given on the left, subordinate to the state lisogenithood, the total area of which is 7.6 mlnga (73% of the total Forestry fund of Ukraine). Also not accounted for forests that are in the temporarily occupied Areas.


Measures to reproduce forests take place at the expense of forestry enterprises.

As you can see from the statistics, the Lissikam can even create new Forests. Although in present conditions the absence of state financing and unwillingness of allocation of land under the field of such work is given very difficult.

Infographics 1


Solid chopping can be of two types:

  1. Clear chopping during annual wood billets (they are officially called the main Use-rgc)
  2. Solid Sanitary chopping

Clear chopping during annual wood billets (rgc) are based on the use of forest plans, which are developed on average for 10 years. Their age-old condition is the main factor of tree drainage for such rudbok. Each type of tree has its own so-called age of stigma, in which it is best possible to procure for realization and further use in woodworking industry.

The solid sanitary chopping is carried out by the proceeds of dry-resistant, die-off and very weakened trees, damaged fires, pests, forest diseases and the result of accidents and disasters, only in the wood-containing, in which the selective sanitary Rubok will reduce the completeness of the plantings below 0.1. Not only representatives of forestry enterprises, but also representatives of frauds, State specialized forestry enterprises, regional state administrations, are taking part in the feasibility of the appointment of solid sanitary chopping. Bodies of local Self-government. In the case of a solid sanitary pipe in the categories of forests, where the main use of the traffic in the volume exceeding the settlement forest (annual scientifically justified the norm of wood billets in the order of the main Use) for the entire period of its validity, the main usage of the traffic is Terminated.

It is also worth noting that the harvesting of wood is made in accordance with the special permission to use forest resources (the loggers).

At the time of continuous runes the technologies which allow to preserve the trees which are not subject to cutting out, regrowth, undergrowth, herbal cover and soils are Used.

