Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Media about us. DP Claudievskiy Forestry ". From Sijitsa-to Centenary Oak. "Forward" newspaper from 08.09.2018.

The present September is special for the staff of the Klavdiyevskih Licesters: This year they celebrate the 80 anniversary from the date of its enterprise creation. The word is his director Oleksandr Lavrenchuk.
-For eight dozen years, the state forestry experienced different periods: establishment and development, temporary difficulties and search of new ways to further progress. And judging by the recent major financial and economic indicators, the Klavdiyevskie Lisivniki confidently croaked on tomorrow's Day. So, if in 2017 the company realized the products for 78481 thousand. UAH, then for 8 months of the present – 67232.3 thous. Uah. Last year the consolidated budget paid the deductions and single social contribution in the amount of 22753.3 thous. UAH, now this index is 22328, 000. Uah. Average salary compared to last year also substantially increased and equals 15087 UAH. This, so to speak, the main indicators characterizing the fulfillment of our social commitments.
They, in turn, are closely related to the production process: how it is able to establish, organize, focus their efforts on the main strategic task. And it was in US and remains the same during the whole period of existence of the enterprise: It is creation of new plantings, improvement of their quality composition and productivity. Thus, for only 10 past years, our masters of the forest, their assistants under the leadership of Lisniany Dibrovskogo, Zvyzhievsky, Claudievskiy, Lubyansky and Glessky Liszki conducted reforestation for almost 3 thousand hectares: created 2606 hectares of forest crops , the natural restoration is covered by 389 hectares. Every year forest crops complement is carried out 150-200 hectares, care for them – at 800-1000 hectares.
We understand perfectly that we need not just new plantations, and high-performance forests, the basis for which there are seeds with valuable hereditary properties. Its collection is performed on permanent forest seed plantations and plots from the so-called "spit" trees, including oak conventional, pine-tree usual, which are listed in the State Register. According to the state program "Forests of Ukraine" together with the Kyiv Scientific-research agency Claudian state Forestry created a family plantation of ordinary oak in the Dibrovsky forestry area of 2.1 hectares, in Klavdiyevsky it is 2.8 hectares, and plantation Pine trees usual in 2.9 hectares has found a residence in the territory of Zvyzhievsky forestry.
Today, the armed services in our forestry are new technologies. To increase the output of the standard seedlings from the unit area and a significant decrease in their cost of forestry enterprises during 2016-2018 years, almost 2000 m2 of boxes with drip and air watering, the solder, where about 3 million are grown. Piece. Seedlings.
In general, in the Nursery and box forestry are grown to 3.5 mln. Pieces of seedlings of woody and shrub rocks, of which pine is usual – 3.2 mln. Pieces. This fully provides its own farm needs. For the implementation of landscaping is grown annually about 5 thousand. Piece. Seedlings of woody and shrub breeds, among which-fir, Thuja, Juniper, boxwood and other kinds of decorative breeds.

So the accusations of individual public figures and politicians as to the fact that the forests we are raging, and their recovery is carried out erratically, without professional approaches, do not stand, as they say, no criticism. Once again, I would like to emphasize: the duty of forestry believed and considered the reproduction and multiplication of forests, maintaining the entrusted state of the economy with the use of advanced technologies.
On the eve of the anniversary of the district, our enterprise want to wish all residents of the district, in particular, stability and prosperity, good luck, kindness, peace and harmony. And on weekdays, and in the holidays always together! With the holiday, dear friends!
Oleksandr Lavrenchuk,
Director of State Enterprise "Klavdiyevske Forestry"