Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

DP "Fastovsky forestry". Dorogynsky pupils' forestry. The future of the forest in your hands.

Photo from the Fastov forestry.

Shared work connects people

 On April 17, in the Dorogynsky forestry of the Far East Forest Enterprise, a forest landing took place in the framework of the All-Ukrainian action "The future of the forest in your hands". The event was attended by deputy head of the district state administration Volkov Yu.V., employees of the Fastov raion state administration, director of the "Fastovsky forestry" Chemersky O.Yu., chairman of Dorogynsky village council Andriychenko O.G. For the first year, the children, pupils of family-type homes, together with their mentors from the villages of the Fastov district, are involved in the action.

In Dorogynskoye forestry (29th quarter), the participants of the action, together with the pupils of the local pupils' forestry, for several hours created forest crops of common pine with birch and lime impurities on a total area of ​​0.9 hectares in the most traditional way – with the help of the Kolesov sword.

Photo from the Fastov forestry.

The director of the forestry department Chemersky O.Yu. stressed the importance of preserving, multiplying and non-exhaustive use of forest plantations. – "We conduct this action every year to attract the attention of youth and the public to the issue of creating new forests. The public is actively interested in all aspects of forestry management, but the forest begins with what we are doing today. "

Pupils of Dorogynsky pupils' forestry, which are fruitfully and actively functioning on the basis of the enterprise, called on the audience present to work: "Let the future grow forests, forests we will all sit with love"

Every year the action is gaining in popularity. This year, 70 participants joined it. The attendees had the opportunity to observe the peculiarities of planting biennial seedlings of pine trees by the Chashkin forest plantation, as well as to compare the effectiveness of mechanized and manual labor.

Photo from the Fastov forestry.

Today's landing of the forest is the way to the final direct forest-cultivated campaign, because in the forestry a new forest has been planted for 87% of the area. It's good that with the main work, foresters carry out educational activities – involving schoolchildren before planting the forest, first of all they form ecological consciousness and responsibility in relation to the environment.

Photo from the Fastov forestry.

Stukal NI, head of Dorogynsky pupils' forestry
