Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Makarivsky forestry". Cooperation in preserving endangered species of plants.

Se «Makariv Forestry» pays considerable attention to the issue of preserving the endangered and rare representatives of flora and fauna of our land. In particular, 1465 hectares of the area of the enterprise is included into the natural-protected Fund (PZF) with different degrees of reserves, where there are seven objects of the PZF: Lzzfrom «tract «Mutvitske» (Zabuanske L-vo); "Veprovet" (Celestial L-VO); "Age-old Oak" (celestial L-VO) "Zmiiv Vali" (Celestial, Nizzhovitske, Makivskoye L-VA); "Atmanova Rocha" (Zabuanske L-vo); "Tsezrivsky" (Nizhyn); "Borvy plots" (Komarivskoye L-vo).

At the same time, there is always an opportunity to identify the species of the Red Book of Ukraine (KU) and outside the PZF, it is necessary to conduct systematic and qualified monitoring of the entire forest area forestry. It was the very effective cooperation with the Ukrainian Nature Foundation, the official representative of WWF in Ukraine, during the recent years. So, representatives of the Fund and volunteers – biologists examine forest plots to search for plant species, fungi and animals. When detecting a particular area of such species, the information is transferred to forestry and is agreed to joint departure of the Fund representatives and enterprises to verify the information and at its confirmation clearly fixed places of growth of the red-book species according to Timber sequence materials.

Thus, in 2017, was examined and confirmed the presence of a KU (a double-leaf, a nest of the usual, a bouquet of long-leaf) on the eight sites of Nizhyn L-VA (in blocks № 2, 3, 45, 46).

According to the survey materials, the forestry issued an order on the definition of data of sites, as places of growth of plant species in the field and prohibition of holding in the data of the main use of the traffic jams. All existing information is transferred to the forest orders for entering into the forestry materials according to the current legislation. Monitoring of the plots in 2018 has confirmed the permanence of their status.

In 2018, volunteers-biologists have conducted a survey of the territory of the forgotten L-VA and found a number of plants entered into the Ku (Lily of the forest, a double of a two-leaf) in the oak-gradukh plantings along the river Pokolyanka. When the joint check 15.08.2018, information was confirmed in relation to two areas of forestry (quarter № 70 allocated 24 and 31). For these plantings will also be made protective measures described above.

Taking into account the importance of the environmental aspect of the issue of conservation of endangered species and adhering to the stated forest obligations of observance of principles and criteria of voluntary ecological certification of forests by the system FSC, se «Makarivsky Forestry» and later will be carried out in the territory of its management all possible measures aimed at identifying, monitoring and preserving the growth of species in the Ku. We also hope for fruitful and constructive cooperation on this issue with all stakeholders.

Sergey Kondratsky

Head Lisnicchy

State Enterprise "Makarivsky Forestry"