Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Bila tserkva forestry". Luxurious forest farming. Autumn Hassle Juniors-Lissivnikov.

In Stavyshchensky forestry of the State Enterprise "Bila Tserkva forestry" works and acquires skills in the cultivation of the Forest A separate unit of juniors-Lissivnikov-student forestry with sumptuous Spc. Traditional cooperation of schoolchildren and forest guards continues on the ground since 70-ies of the last century. Today the school forestry has its own area of a nursery and a skin for practical classes and research work.

With the beginning of the new school year, a pleasant hassle of young forestry in Stavyshchensky Forestry was waited next to school studies. On the warm September day, they hurry up to the nursery, to bring the way on the plots, because it is necessary to carry out the pruning of decorative bushes Spiorrhea and boxwood, to look in the boxes of seedlings of birch, pine, usual, spruce European.

Lisnicchiy shvets T. O. With joy shares the experience with schoolchildren and instills love for nature. In its turn, members of the kindergarten "sumptuous" always with pleasure work in a nursery under the guidance of mentors. So great to take care of the green plantations of our country.

Head of Student's forestry Rudneva О. V.