Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Fastiv Forestry" strengthens work on ecological education of Student youth

In order to increase work on ecological education of student youth, conducting vocational work, acquaintance of children with activity of Fastiv forestry, State Enterprise “Fastiv Forestry”, with assistance Ecological-Ethnographic Centre of Education Department of Fastiv RDA, conducted a survey among pupils of 5 -11 classes of comprehensive educational institutions of the district to determine the level of ecological culture of children, their attitude to nature, ecological problems. Native land, awareness about the activity of forestry enterprise and forestry profession.
The results of the survey in forestry plan to use for conducting ecological and educational lessons in schools. And after analyzing them, the Litsivnyky were convinced that such lessons are really necessary. Almost one third of children’s polled believes that the forest does not plant, and it grows itself, half knows how much wood to grow to the ripe age, the students little oriented in the main types of activities forestry.
The opposite situation in those schools, where student forestry function. Here, children are contrary to these issues, because most of their part, in one degree or another, has been involved in forestry work, they constantly communicate with the workers of forestry, go on excursions in forestry, attend theoretical classes.
It is nice to note that almost all students of the district know the rules of conduct in the forest, are concerned with the problem of pollution of the environment and natural waste dumps, but the main thing is that these rules are still respected.
Owing to the anketability students were also able to share ideas, proposals for improving the environment and to ask employees of forestry.
As it turned out, they are interested in serious questions: Why do the forest, how to treat the seedlings, where they take seeds, why dry the forest, or it is difficult to work a forester, where you need to learn on a forester, why in populated areas insufficient number of urns for rubbish , etc.
There are also strange answers and questions of children, for example: LISSIVNYKY-people are similar to the police, but they guard the forests; Most of the forest is planted with squirrels – they forget where the food is hidden, and the trees grow on the spot; Why do they (forestry workers) do not take the leaves in the forest?
Of course, during meetings, forestry will try to give answers to all questions and will conduct an interesting story about Fastiv forestry and the main activities in it.