Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "Fastiv Forestry". Thank you, dear our warriors, for the peaceful sky over your head!

Dear Servicemen! Dear Our Defenders!
Today, in such a difficult time for our country, you are a reliable support for the state, and for its people, you are a symbol of strength, the hardness of spirit, courage, heroism, valor and honor. The tranquility of our homes, the tranquility of loved ones-in your reliable, strong hands.
We thank you, dear to our warriors, for a peaceful sky over the head, for the opportunity to learn and work, for what we see sweet dreams in warm beds, while you are serving in the trenches under the whistle of the balls. We express our gratitude to the staff of forestry who risked their lives with honour and dignity to perform their civil and military duty in the east of the country.
We Worship Your feat and feat of those who gave their lives in the name of freedom of Ukraine, bravely defending the native land.
On the day of the armed forces of Ukraine, from all my heart we want to wish you good health, unfragile faith, daring ideas and well-wishing, confident plans, unextinguished optimism, successes in military preparation, excellent fulfillment of all the assigned tasks and Compulsory luck. Well-being of you and your families, reliable home front, great support and victory!
We wish in future our important business to remind the world that Ukraine is in safe hands!