Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

“Bila Tserkva forestry.” A chronicle of daily life foresters of Bila Tserkva.

“Biological fire” caused by the invasion of stem pests on sosnâki forest farm in Kiev, also its crushing influence of the pine plantations of the greater part of the lìsnictv SE “Bila Tserkva forestry.” To date in the areas of training developed sanitary logging more than 450 hectares of koroïda apical cell, which represents 54% of the total area of stem cell pests where necessary measures to improve the sanitary condition. Winter became a hot time for foresters, the early departure and the reproduction of stem pests (early April) you must promptly conduct a removal of inhabited dry and pest tree plantations with simultaneous utilization of residues branches and bark-places of wintering stem pests. Measures to improve sanitary conditions in the communities of pest in cold period of the year is optimal, as it lets you spend chopping and burning inhabited pest porubočnih residues that hinders its spread. As reported previously, the period of departure koroïdìv and settling them forests begins in early April and goes on all the “period of silence”-until mid-June. That is why the measures to improve the sanitary condition of the need to cover the maximum area of the cells of the pest in the winter. Specialists of the Department of forestry to continue monitoring the situation in the lìsopatologìčnoï the pine plantations of SE “Bila Tserkva forestry” and promptly respond to its changing.   20.02.2018 of the year. Trained engineer-lìsopatolog AV Gubrìj