Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Goslisogenstvo continues work on opening data on forestry

On the official web-site of state agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine updated and supplemented with the section "Open Data"

In particular, going to this section, each citizen can familiarize with the registers of the loggers, which are issued for the exercise of a ruse in the woods.

You can also view the status of forest certification of forests, which is carried out in order to comply with the system of forestry management established by international requirements for forest and forestry Administration on the basis of sustainable development. The purpose of forest certification is to provide an economically, environmentally-friendly and socially balanced forestry by fulfilling the respective recognised and credible, standards.

Besides, by clicking on the link, you can familiarize yourself with the plans of the forest for each forestry enterprise, which belongs to the sphere of management of the State forestry (the process of processing and paging of the relevant data is underway).

In order to control and verify the legality of timber origin, the function of its verification by the numbers of tags, car or commodity-transport invoice is created.

One of the tasks of the State Forest agency is to ensure the openness of information about forestry. Too often citizens see a scar and immediately report that it is illegal. By checking this information it turns out that planned forestry events took place in the forest. Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings and to ensure that citizens have information and can check the legality of the forest or forestry, we are and open our data. This work is still ongoing, and we will improve the supply of open information,-said Volodymyr Bondar, deputy head of the state agency of Forestry resources.


Goslisogenstvo continues work on opening data on forestry