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Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Austria's experience in forestry run is very important for Ukraine, Volodymyr Bondar

On June 19, the delegation of State forestry under the leadership of Volodymyr Bondar, deputy head of the department, during a visit to the Republic of Austria, discussed the issues of cooperation in forestry with their counterparts of the State forestry company Austria.

Being directly in the woodarrays of the party to discuss the application of gradual and selective wood harvesting methods.

According to Austrian forestry, in Austria the owner of the forest has the right without approvals to carry out clear cuts on the site to 0.5 hectares, the scar on the site 0, 5-2 hectares requires a corresponding permit. The owner of the forest area is obliged to conduct measures of struggle against diseases and pests in time. If the measures are not carried out in time, the owner undertakes to take them, using legislative rules.

In addition, as noted, Austrian forests also suffer from coronary invasion. Damaged wood, at the first sign, immediately removed from the forest and exported in the first place.

Volodymyr Bondar, deputy head of the state forestry, emphasized that Austria's experience of forestry is very important for Ukraine.

It is impossible to fully copy the system of forestry of a separate foreign country. Ukraine is unique in that we have different conditions for cultivation of forests. And so we need to adapt different systems. For example, the experience of Austria in the wood harvesting system, the forest pest control is interesting for studying and implementing,-said Volodymyr Bondar.


19 червня делегація Держлісагентства під керівництвом заступника Голови відомства Володимира Бондаря, під час візиту до…

Опубліковано Державне агентство лісових ресурсів України 19 червня 2018 р.