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Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Bila tserkva forestry". Another "tranche" of measures to improve the sanitary state of forests.

According to the results of constant monitoring of the sanitary state of forest plantings of the state enterprise "Bila Tserkva Forestry", which is conducted by specialists of the Forestry Department and is coordinated by the state specialized forest-protective Kyivforest Protection Company, in Kyiv Oblast and Kiev management of forestry and hunting economy once again from the beginning of the year agreed a list of measures to improve the sanitary condition of forests.

When monitoring the state of the plantings the sufficient number of pine trees, fresh dried-up and dried-up of past years has been revealed. The formation of significant volumes of the dying trees and dry-plants is the result of settling the weakened plantings of stem pests with their subsequent proliferation into adjacent tree states. In particular, the most dangerous are the top and the six-toothed carps, large and small pine alkaloids, large and blue pine zlatki. Population development of secondary pests facilitated optimal meteorological conditions, which were formed during the last 6-8 years with increasing of duration of atmospheric drought and correspondingly emergence of deficiency of soil moisture.

At the examination of oak-gingival plantings and plantings of other hardwoods discovered that in recent years the cubic mass of the dried and dry trees has tendency to increase. In addition, the destruction of trunks of a non-authentic oak labor, which is confirmed by the presence of fruit bodies and trees with broken trunks in the places of maximum destruction. Part of the IV – VI categories of biological condition has signs of settling, or last year's development of such secondary pests as the Zlatki oak, bronze, narrow-body and green narrow-body, oak and Motley oak-tree.

The usual ash is also a notable decline in the level of biological stability, which is evident in the partial reduction of branches covering 30 – 80% of the krona.  Additionally this is accompanied by lesions of bacterial barrel and skeletal branches. Pathological processes in the weakened trees pass with the settling of their large and small gingival meadows, inhabiting the weakened trees in the middle and upper parts of the krona. Some trees occur due to the spread of rotting in roots and roots.

For improvement of sanitary-forest pathological state of the mentioned plantings in SE «Bilotserkivskyy forestry», according to specialists of the Department of Forestry and DSLP «Kyivforest Protection», necessary health measures is to conduct selective sanitary chopping. (BCC) on the area of 109.6 hectares and a solid sanitary (SCP) on the area of 2.3 hectares. Measures to improve the sanitary condition of forests is planned to be held in the plantings of Bila Tserkva, Volodinsky, Suklits'kyi and Tomilov forestry (the list is published on the site of Kyiv regional and city administration of forestry and hunting Economy).

The engineer-sawmill of SE «Bilotserkivsky Forestry» A. Gubiy was informed