Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Bila tserkva forestry". Participation in the regional stage of all-Ukrainian take-off forestry.


A photograph from Lyudmila Shframework.

10-11 may, on the basis of the sonorous educational-Scientific and Production center of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine "Boyarska Lvat" with the assistance of the Department of Education and Science of Kyiv Regional State Administration, communal institution of the Kyiv OSA " Center of Creativity of Children and youth of Kyiv region, Kyiv regional and M. Kiev administration of forestry and hunting economy took place regional gathering of student forestry. The take-off program was saturated and interesting.

A photograph from Lyudmila Shframework.

Each student forestry was preparing the exhibition material, which covered the work of young forest wardens. Next – Solemn opening, greeting of organizers and performance of the group of Ecological Enlightenment «Vitamins». Also, each student forestry presented their activities, the pupils shared their experience, flipping slides of presentations with photos. The defense of research works was held.

After dinner, the organizers invited everyone to the Eco-party and the disco.

A photograph from Lyudmila Shframework.

The next day the participants of the take-off waited for eco-quest. Each team visited station-stop and performed interesting tasks. According to the results of the jury the team of student forestry «sumptuous» Stavyshchensky forestry se «Bila tserkva Forestry» In composition Pahalovych Diana, Shuliak Sophia, Butelko Vladislavi occupied and place. After summarizing, all participants of the take-off took part in the land of the Alley of peace. Fragile Linden, planted by caring hands young forestry, decorated the territory of the establishment. Then there was a summary of the take-off and rewarding of winners. The members of the "luxury forest" of Stavyshchensky forestry se "Bila Tserkva Forestry" took III place.

To go home children did not want. Two days held in the picturesque village of Sonorous, forever remain bright memories in the participants of take-off.

Head of Student's forestry Rudneva О. V.