Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

State Enterprise "Boguslavsky forestry". "The future forest in your hands."

Photo from the state enterprise "Boguslavsky forestry".

State Enterprise "Boguslavsky Forestry Enterprise" takes an active part in conducting the annual Action of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine "The future of the forest in your hands".
So, in April 2018, 10713 seedlings of ordinary oak were planted in the framework of the action "The future of the forest in your hands", students of the Boguslavsky CPSO № 1 in the 29th quarter of the 2nd division on the area of ​​3 hectares of Boguslav forestry of the State Enterprise "Boguslavsky forestry".
Reproduction of forest plantations by young people is a very responsible matter, since, in the first place, it educates the younger generation to respect the nature and the preservation of forest plantations, prudent and thrifty attitude to nature, respect and confidence in the activities of the forestry industry.

Photo from the state enterprise "Boguslavsky forestry".
