Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

SE "Fastiv forestry." 20 špakìven young lìsìvniki hung in the Doroginskomu forestry.

Perhaps each of us in the spring of simvolìzuêtsâ not only with the bright green of the grasses and trees, luxuriant flowering flowers and tender Sun, but also certainly melodious perespìvami our winged friends – birds. Therefore, their return from warm edges is always a holiday!

We care about birds and promote colonization of them forest edge. Birds is the natural defenders of the forest, are natural enemies of the pests that destroy nezčislennu the number of harmful insects and larvae.

The dnâ birds that vìdznačaêtčâ April 1, 20 špakìven was hanging outside in Doroginskomu forestry, in particular in the field of recreation – 10 špakìven for small passerine birds that in the near future will delight your singing. Together with the students to rally employees have forest forestry protection. These 20 houses for the pupils of the Doroginskogo forestry student improvise on the lessons of labour studies during the winter period. It should be noted that the fastening špakìven on the trees was carried out with the use of cords which do not damage the tree and firmly holding an artificial gnìzdìvlû.

The territory for the expected arrival of birds have chosen not casually, and near the centers of the drying pine forests, with hopes that the birds would protect trees from harmful insects.

In addition to the accomplishment of practical tasks, young lìsìvniki got a lot of interesting and useful information with sector ornithology.