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State Enterprise "fastiv forestry". All-Ukrainian law week.

According to the decree of the President of Ukraine dated 08 December 2008, № 1149/2008 "about the All-Ukrainian week of law" All-Ukrainian week of law is held every year in a week which includes December 10 – Human Rights Day. He marked the declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
To fulfill the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 26, 2018, № 681-р, the order of the State agency of forest resources of Ukraine from 16.11.18 year № 968, order of Kyiv regional and city administration of the forest and hunting economy From 23.11.18, № 105 «On approval of the plan of measures for holding in 2018 year all-Ukrainian Week of law», in Fastiv Forestry, in order to raise the level of legal culture and acquisition of citizens the necessary level of legal knowledge, approved the plan of measures Which include during 10-14 December, a number of information-explanatory measures on the issues of ensuring the observance of rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen and prevention of their violation.