Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG


Favorable weather conditions finally gave the opportunity to begin spring work lìsokulturnì in all lìsnictvah se Ivankiv forestry.

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This spring we plan to zalìsniti about 200 hectares of the walls, through the 2 million. pieces of sejantsev main lìsoutvorûûčih species (pine, oak, Birch), who have successfully survived the winter, and are ready to become young plantations. Plan to sow 2.8 hectares of forest tree nursery, where viroŝuvatimutsâ seedlings for further common needs.

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To perform the set tasks, equipment (bought 100 pieces of swords Kolesova), planting and sowing material secured all forestry

Not losing any time, using each pogožu life usefully, try lìsìvniki catch zalìsniti as many log cabins.

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