Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

The forest and the implementation of a strategic sustainable development plan.

As part of a special event of a high-level political forum held recently at the UN headquarters in New York, the global forest ecosystem was considered to work to achieve sustainable development Goals (CCP). The event was presented with a review of progress and problems in the work on the achievement of the DAC by 2030 year.

The participants of the event noted unprecedented activity of Governments of countries, international and national organizations in resolving the forest.

United Nations Secretary General Anthony Gooternes noted that as a result of the work and efforts of the countries the speed of exhaustion in the whole world decreased. It has also been noted that the forestry territory to be guarded will continue to increase.

Another problem for achieving the goal of balanced forestry development is soil degradation, decreasing of their fertility, and the desertification of ecosystems. The participants emphasized the importance of the role of youth, which can be used as a innovator of new ideas, to achieve the goals of forestry.

The importance of improving and strengthening international cooperation and cooperation on a global scale to address forest-related issues has been outlined. More attention should be given to the inclusion of forests to nationally-defined country-level contributions within the framework of commitments to prevent climate change. The modern development model must reorient and combine sustainable forestry, biodiversity and climate change to improve forest performance.

Implementation of the UN Strategic plan for forests 2017-2030-р. Creates the basis for reaching up to 2030 year of the target of the DAC, namely the increase of forest area by 3% (120 million hectares).

Final Resolution

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