Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
Hot lines
State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Se "Bila tserkva forestry". Stavyshchenskoe forestry waiting for tourists!

The territory of Stavyshchensky forestry is quite great with interesting and beautiful places. Therefore, the demand of student youth of Stavyshchensky District on the ecological excursions and employees of Stavyshchensky forestry se «Bilotserkivska Forest» In the period from June and until mid-July was not easy, because In addition to its main work, the forestry were guided by excursions on the territory of the Organization.


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230 students received unforgettable impressions from the seen and heard. The species of ornamental plants were admired, with pleasure helped to plant flowers for the aesthetic beauty of the forest cultivation territory.  The excursions to the enterprise were conducted by Lisnicchy Stavyshchensky Forestry v. Kurko together with employees of Stavyshchensky Regional Museum.


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Charmed children ecological Stitch, where children deepened their knowledge of the flora and fauna of the local territory, familiarized themselves with the fundamentals of forestry. The beautiful mood of the children promoted during the excursions the game of cognitive character, and the forest filled with fragrance of flowers, added to the excursions of the fairy.

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I note that the territory of Stavyshchensky forestry recently very attracts tourists from different places of Ukraine and not only, because it is forestry has a very interesting history, and we, forestry, promote its popularization as one of the most attractive tourist objects Stavyshchensky District and for the purpose of development of interest in forestry work.

So we are waiting for everyone to familiarize with natural landscapes, forest plantations, and most importantly – to get positive emotions!

Lisnicchy Stavyshchensky Forestry

Se «Bilotserkivska Forestry»

V. Y. Kurko
