Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Results of the competition of forest Valnikov and "best operator of Hydromanipulator"

On August 26, 2016 in the SE “Teterivskoye forestry” Kyiv Regional and M. Kiev administration of forestry and Hunting economy held the 19th all-Ukrainian competition-competitions of forest rollers and the 9th all-Ukrainian competition of professional skill “best operator of Hydromanipulator”.

Worrying about the preservation of human life, to reduce occupational traumatism, increase of professional preparation and quality of work performed, the holding of professional competitions of loggers was organized.

The participants of the All-Ukrainian competition of loggers are the winners of regional selections and the team of OJSC Motor Sich. This year 26 teams (33 participants), including Malyn and storozhynets forestry colleges, took part in the competition.

The competition of operators of Hydromanipulator, which was held in parallel, was attended by 12 participants.

The team of Kyiv region represented: in the competition welders of the forest-Alexander Kostyhko (se “Makariv forestry”, in the contest of operators of the manipulator – Oleh Kobets (se “Bila tserkva forestry”).

In accordance with the results of the competitions of the championship of the “Motor Sich” joint—production team, the second place was taken by the representative of Sumy OYLMG Oleksandr Sydorenko, the third became Vladimir Kukta from Lviv OULMG.

In the competitions of forest rollers among the juniors the first step of the pedestal was a representative of the team JSC “Motor sich”-Ilya Domykin, the second-representative of Sumy OYLMG Yevhen Krasnikov, the third became the junior of Zhytomyr OULMG Eugene Brovko.

In the competition “best operator of Hydromanipulator” The championship was won by the representative of Poltava Oulu, the second became a representative of Chernivtsi OYLMG, the third-representative of Vinnytsya OULMG.

The representatives of the Kyiv region took in the competitions of forest rollers and the operator of Hydromanipulator
The fifth and eleventh place respectively.

Valuable prizes and gifts were awarded to all winners and participants.