Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Greeting of Alexey Boyko with the holiday of intercession and defender of Ukraine day.

Dear friends, Colleagues, Associates and associates!

We sincerely congratulate you on the day of Defender of Ukraine and the holiday of intercession!

The history retains many testimonies of how the highest will of the Holy Virgin has struggled our people, our Cossack army, and gave forces to fight against the enemy. That is why in Ukraine the holiday got the second name – Cossack Pokrova and also celebrated as the day of Ukrainian Cossacks.

From the times of the baptism of Kievan Rus and to our days the feast of intercession was spiritually united by our people, gave his faith in the everyday intercession of the mother of God for the human race, for peace and goodness on our earth.

Since 2014,-October 14-day of defender of Ukraine. This is the feast of everyone who at one time gave his knowledge, strength, courage and professionalism to the protection of our state.

I congratulate everyone who is a high title of defender of Ukraine, and I wish to succeed in those who are still in front of the exam. Sincere greetings to the veterans, war participants, military personnel, stock warriors, parents and mothers soldiers!

Let the trust and peace in your home work – stability, and our children live in a rich and prosperous country and have a pride in their fatherland!

We wish you good health, kindness, happiness, harmony to you and your families.

Peaceful skies and prosperity to our Ukraine!

Sincerely, Alexey Boyko