Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

SE “Fastiv forestry.” Types of cuttings.

Growing forests, lìsìvniki want to get away from them as much as possible benefit, including high-quality wood. You need to acknowledge the fact that without carrying the cuttings, forest grow. If lìsìvniki does not hold forestry measures, it will turn into a “Wild wood”, or you will be destroyed by disease and pests, at least of quality wood for sure. Therefore, in order to ensure favourable conditions for planting of the main species, on the basis of materials processing, first conducted the planned felling, i.e. cutting the formation and improvement of forests: lighting, cleaning, underpressure and continuous felling, during which are cleaned frequently, backward in the growth of the tree specimens with crooked trunks and is formed by planting the desired composition and required completeness. If the forest is prone to diseases, pests and negative natural factors, according to new regulations in the forests of Ukraine, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26.10.2016 r. No. 756, a Special Commission composed of representatives of the lìsopatologìčnoï service of the State specialized enterprise “lìsozahisnogo Kiïvlìsozahist”, specialists training, and with the participation of Heads of rural or town councils, are rekognoscinuvalnì a survey of such spaces and their conclusions are assigned to measures to improve the sanitary condition of forests, i.e. sanitary felling. In case of damage of individual trees or groups of trees, carried out selective sanitary felling that by removing from the land dry, usihaûčih, greatly weakened, damaged by pests or natural elements trees prevent spread of cells of pests and disease. In cases where the entire plot of the forest exposed to the influence of the above factors, and pathological processes get the nature of irreversible change and selective sanitary logging will not be achieved positive results, then part of the above mentioned Commission included representatives of Kyiv city and Kyiv forestry and hunting economy and according to the findings of the Commission, appointed a sanitary felling. After reaching the ripe age (for pine-81-101 year for oak – 120-140 years), well maintained a healthy forest is prescribed in rubku main. The basis for conducting such cuttings are estimated lìsosìka that is approved, according to the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine. That is, all logging in the State Forestry held in the legal field, according to the current legislation and according to materials processing. With information on the issuance of special permits (lìsorubnih ticket) on the workpiece wood cuttings in the order of the Chief, cuttings of the formation and improvement of forests and other cuttings, associated and not associated with the running of forestry by SE ” Fastiv forestry can be found on the website of training (