Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

In Vetpriska school I-III. Solemn celebration of new pupils of Veprytsky student forestry in young forestry

In Vetpriska school I-III. There was a solemn dedication of new pupils of Veprytsky student forestry in young forestry.
In addition to the administration of the school, teachers, parents and students on the holiday visited the Assistant Lisnyvskogo Forestry forest-Deresh Anna Oleksandrivna. She presented to them the certificates, greeted them with the entry into our large and friendly family and presented in memory of notebooks with the logo of the Fastiv forestry. All participants of the audience Anna wished good, peace, creative takeoffs, inspiration and urged to keep and multiply the forest riches of our land.
After receiving the identities of Forestry student forestry Because’menko Vladyslav and the newly-minted Gurtkivtsi read the oath of young Licer. And at the end of the holiday the elders of pupils of forestry prepared greetings for their smaller colleagues.

Press-Service SE “Fastiv forestry”