Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Vinnytsya Forestry created a ramified network of the Licidelo-ecological educational centers and items.


The participants of the meeting of the expanded Board of the state forestry familiarized themselves with the work of the Lissidelo-ecological educational item "Forest Park", which was created in 2017 through the initiative of Vinnytsia Mayor Sergei Morgyanova and the chief of the Vinnytsya Regional administration of forestry and hunting economy Anatoly Bondarya.

The State Enterprise of forestry of Vinnytsya OULMG created 44 Lisidelocho-Ecological educational items and 33 Lissidelochno ecological and educational centers. On the base of state forestry is 46 students ' forest.

On the territory, which is subject to the SE «Vinnitsa forestry», the City council has built a modern children's and sports grounds. Alley stretches from Khmelnitsky Highway to the sites divided into the pedestrian zone (4 meters) and the track for cyclists (2 meters), has a modern lighting, Wi-Fi, a CCTV camera. Lisivnyky se «Vinnitsa Forestry» have set the zone of rest: hung on the trees of birdhouses, installed arbours and benches for rest, mounted interesting information stands with useful information about the forest, the main types of animals and birds of Vinnytsia region, Wood composition of Podolsk forests, rules of conduct in forest, etc.

The rich experience of informational and educational work of Vinnytsya forestry deserves studying. Lisidelcho-Ecological educational point "Forest Park", as a joint project of the city Council of Vinnitsa and Forestry, is an example to follow. Goslisogenstvo pays great attention to ecological and educational work. In Vinnitsa region it is carried out at a high level. New pupils forestry are constantly created, open lisidelcho-ecological educational centres and centers. Especially valuable is that such important work is done with the support of local authorities – then the results of its twice more effective!-said Volodymyr Bondar, deputy head of the state agency of forest resources.

"Forest Park" is a successful example of a well-coordinated and effective cooperation between the City Council and Vinnytsia OULMG. Today it is a modern recreation area for young parents with children, elderly people and city guests. We receive gratitude and feedback from the Vinnytsia citizens about this favorite holiday destination. So now we have many such joint projects with the city authorities of the regional Center, District centers, territorial communities of the region,-noted the head of the regional Department of Forestry and Hunting economy Anatoly Bondar.