Kyiv Oblast and Kyiv Forestry and Hunting Management
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State Agency of Forestry
Kiev Oblast and the Kyiv City Administration of LMG

Save the forest together

Save the forest together

You can talk a lot about the green robes of our planet, and the rational use of nature’s gifts and careful attitude to the “green friend”-the inherent right and responsibility of the person

Huge damage to the forest causing forest fires. It is a distress for all: both people, and for those birds and animals living in the forest. According to world statistics, 90 percent of fires in the forest arrays arise due to careless behaviour of man with fire. The fastest flare-up of coniferous plantations, especially in the litku when, negligent citizens leave unredeemed foci, butts of matches, etc. Forest fires may also arise from sparks of vehicles located in the woods, from lightning bolts and self-ignition of organic matter.

The forestry of the State enterprise “Dymerske Forestry” carry out a number of measures aimed at timely detection and prevention of forest fires, namely, create the mineralised strips and care for them, put posters and stands on Natural protection and fire-prevention subjects, for recreation of population create recreational areas, and also conduct conversations with the population.

Being in the forest, everyone must remember that careless treatment with fire can lead to tragic consequences – only one carelessly thrown a match is able to cause significant damage to the forest. That is why we, LISIVNYKY, appeal to all who happens in the forest, with a request – always to remember and strictly follow the rules of fire safety. Thanks to this, we will reduce the number of damage and the death of forest plantings in a significant amount. Remember: to grow wood-a heavy, painstaking and perennial work. But you can lose its results in a few hours.

That is why I would like to emphasize once again: if we wish to be good for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, let us save the forest-this is the most majestic and non-changing treasury of our lives.

Director of “Dymerskoye Forestry” v. I. Hlushchenko